Friday, February 1, 2013

Lunches Week 22

This week was spirit week at my daughter's school. 
Monday- Green Day
Tuesday- Yellow Day
Wednesday- Blue Day
Thursday- Crazy Sock Day
Friday- Crazy Hair Day
I tried to match her lunches to each days theme (except for Friday). She ended up having a snow day Monday, but her lunch was already made, so I figured I'd show it anyway.


She had a green dress shaped sandwich (Ok so it looks more like an Erlenmeyer flask then a dress, but whatcha gonna do.), a granola bar, grapes, goldfish crackers, and a Sistema Twist N' Sip* of water.


I packed her a yellow sun shaped sandwich, a granola bar, grapes, goldfish crackers, and a Sistema Twist N' Sip* of water. 


She had a blue airplane shaped sandwich, grapes, carrots, Chez-Its, a candy heart, and a Capri Sun.


She had a sock shaped sandwich, squeezable applesauce, grapes, carrots, Chez-Its, and a Capri Sun.


I packed her a pierogies, squeezable applesauce, a Z-bar, carrots, and a Sistema Twist N' Sip* of water. 

The products used in this post are listed below.
The container with green inserts is the Rubbermaid LunchBlox entree with trays*.
The clear container with 3 sections is an EasyLunchBox*.  
The tiny clear container is an EasyLunchboxes Mini-Dippers*.
The silicone cups are Wilton pastel cupcake liners*
The pastel heart cups are from ebay.  
The squishy packs with the applesauce in them are Squishy Snack Paks.
Check out my review of Squishy Snack Paks here!
*Affiliate Links.
 I'll Be Linking Up At These Parties!


  1. What do you use to color the sandwiches?

    1. I use edible markers. Both the Wilton brand and the AmeriColor Brand.
